The Media Room
Women reading about QoWL in her newspaper

Welcome to QoWL's media Room

On this page you’ll find information about who we are, what we know, what we do and a range of other stuff that might be of interest. Just click on the relevant links to download documents.

QoWL in the news

You can find out more about our widely published news stories, and can access an archive of our home page news stories.

Who we are

We are a former spin out company and now Research group within the University of Portsmouth.

What we know - our areas of expertise

We know a lot about, and have a lot of research data on, quality of working life, stress and wellbeing at work. If you’re writing anything related to these areas, we can almost definitely provide great stats or expert comment. Just get in touch and tell us what you need. We’ll be glad to help!

Here is a one-pager on our current research. Here's a link to some of our white papers and articles.

What we do

QoWL has developed the only scientifically validated tools that measure quality of working life. We help our clients by carrying out surveys and by providing benchmarked reports, so enabling them to make organisational and departmental improvements to quality of working life that boost performance and productivity.

Here is some information on what our survey tool measures.

This is an example of a QoWL organisational summary report that provides an overview of the results for an organisation. Full reports are much larger and include breakdowns.

Here is a University Stress and Wellbeing summary report we produced about our research in the universities sector. It has some useful stats on stress and wellbeing factors.

Information for potential Partners

We are always happy to consider partnership arrangements with qualified consultants and organisations. Please contact us if you want to discuss partnering arrangements.

Here is an overview of how we can help Partners.

Here is a more detailed document about what QoWL measures, the problems we can identify, and the potential solutions that Partners can provide.

About us

A little more information about the people involved in delivering and researching QoWL


If there’s any other information you need, just get in touch.