
Benchmarks allow organisations and individuals to target those aspects of quality of working life which are most important to them. QoWL benchmarks are often used as key performance indicators when Organisational Development is taking place and provide the evidence for improvements in staff quality of working life, well-being and related measures.

As we have been developing our research since we have built up a range of benchmarks which organisations can compare themselves. Benchmarks exist not only for our WRQoL and QWWO scales, but also the Health and Safety Executive's HSE Stress scale.

Overall QoWL University benchmark

Benchmark for overall quality of working life

UK University benchmarks

We have collected data from many UK Higher Educations organisations including unions, pre 1992, post 1992 and post 1995 Universities. Our benchmarks are based on many thousands of university staff including managers, academics, academic support staff and other support staff. Universities who conduct a QoWL survey can compare themselves on key performance indicators with the university sector average, a general population sample or even with specific staff sub-groups. We are often asked to compare the universities we work with against the best in the sector to highlight where excellence exists and show how improvements might be made.

English School benchmarks

We have data at LEA level as well as individual school level. We can compare both teaching as well as support staff.


NHS Trust benchmarks

We have data for NHS Primary Care Trusts as well as Hospital Trusts to compare.


Our other benchmarks

UK Call centers

Charitable organisations

General UK workforce sample

Union and professional bodies


Future benchmarks

If you are interested in setting up a quality of working life benchmark in your area, please contact us to discuss what we can do to help.