The WRQoL Scale

As part of our assessment methods we have developed and tested the Work-Related Quality of Life scale (WRQoL scale).

The scale contains 24 items each evaluated on a 5 point Likert scale and produces six factors which link to our theory of Quality of Working Life.

To download the WRQoL scale and associated resources, please go to our downloads area.

The WRQoL scale has been developed over many years and we have norm group data for many occupational groups including a general population group, a Healthcare staff group, a primary education group, a professional society group, a national charity group, a University general staff group and a University union member group.

We are also building up the construct validity of this measure by distributing it alongside relevant other questionnaires and scales. We currently have data for WRQoL and:

Your help with our research

If you would like to help us validate the WRQOL scale by distributing the questionnaire in your area, then please contact us through our enquiry form. This WRQoL scale is free to researchers from non-profit organisations and if you send the data to us to add to our data pool.

Other scales